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Posts posted by SkylarStormdale

  1. 2 hours ago, Dillon said:

    200* not 20. Typos bro. But yeah that's besides the point.  Nd I thank you for pointing this out.

    The point is, when the police F**** up, they pay. It's called justice and oversight. We have this nice little thing here in America called "Innocent until proven guilty in court". Sadly, in reality, that's not the case at all.... especially with allll the media around broadcasting everything and it corrupts the minds of the people, the juries, everyone.... especially when they all have thei own little spin to everything. Right this. Left that. Black this. White privilege this. 

    Ya know I guess it could be worse though. We could all be living in some hell hole called North Korea or something.......... imagine being locked up in shackles doing hard labor for life?

    Unfortunately, that's not always the case. I never got a red cent for the mess that happened to me, and stories like mine make up the majority.

    Just be careful not to lay the blame at the media rather than the overall corrupted "culture" of sociopathy, selfishness, division, and overall jerkery that has been present since... well, frankly, since humanity apostasized from Nature circa 10,000 years ago. People being obsessed with only caring about themselves, selected cliques, and people that are "like" them. But we are all sapient, social creatures - there ain't only not a thing wrong with seeing us all as one big family, it's what Nature intended.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Dillon said:

    SaggerTwinkLover is just a baiter, Skylar. He will literally say any nonsence crap just to try to attempt to "prove" you wrong because he is Mr. Righteous Knowitall. I mean it's SOOOO obvious that he was there when I got tased. Apparently he saw the entire ordeal go down and had the complete audacity to say that I wasn't tased. 


    I absolutely caanot STAND people like him anyways.

    Oh, believe me, I'm aware. Combination of that and someone just so immersed in neofeudalist delusion that they are unashamedly on this kind of mess. I, as someone who acknowledges the fact all life has rights, simply couldn't imagine being the kind of person that looks at a whole chunk of the population being suppressed and oppressed and lacking justice and says "this is fine". But then again, I'm not a sociopath or immersed in the culture of sociopathy that neofeudalism is.

    Shooting down his manure kites helps me keep my wits and skill sharp for general "standing up for civilization" skills and especially for if I decide to make a full return to broadcasting. :)

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    You know absolutely nothing about me. I think the only one that's shown any kind of racist attitudes here is you. Something typical of someone with a weak argument that cannot actually present any acceptable facts to try and prove their point. This is now the second time you've taken a thread and tried to use it as your soap box for you supposed crusade for equality.

    Keep on keeping on. I'm sure there's a BLM or Black Panther Party group that would love to add you their ranks, if they haven't already.

    all bolding and italicizing is mine, and is for the decent people reading this.

    1st italics: You've presented me with more than enough to know exactly what your character's like, and it needs improvement. Good luck with said improvement.

    1st bolding: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Psychological_projection

    2nd italics: BANANA! BANANA! BANANA!

    2nd bolding: Yup, proud to be a civilized person standing for my rights and what's right. :)

    3rd italics: I've already covered earlier exactly what kind of person mistakes "BLM" for a singular group, rather than the diverse movement it is, and the Black Panther Party has not existed since the 1980s! Or are you talking about the phone-booth-full of wackos who play dress up in the 'hood that Faux Noise will send a full crew out to film nonetheless? 😂

  4. 8 minutes ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    Incorrect. He had already provided the officer with his identification and insurance information before telling the cop that he had a gun.

    Nope, just the insurance. Brutally slaughtered while trying to pull out his ID. It's called "pay attention to actual sources".

    Lol I am not going back and forth with you on this, dude - the facts are the facts. Just like that CNN ad says, you can yell "BANANA!" at an apple all day long, but that don't change the fact it's an apple. 

    Wishing you the best of luck on getting on the civilized, caring side of things, man. Racism and Neofeudalism are not acceptable.

  5. 6 minutes ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    Yes the video does speak for itself. Specifically at 1:12 when the officer says "don't reach for it. Don't pull it out. Don't reach for it."


    Oops... Did I just post a fact that **** all over your story...?

    And he doesn't "reach for it" (the firearm), he reached for the ID that the officer requested. :)

    The facts stand. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Lee249 said:

    Whilst on the subject... In England tasers are now being assigned to officers widescale. I personally think it's extreme.

    Looks like we're maybe following the U.S. trend.

    If the guy is violent, then use the means that you have been trained for to subdue. Don't go beating the guy up!

    Even if he deserves it :lol: 

    Wow, y'all's officers ain't even  been carrying  tasers all this time?


    3 hours ago, Krister said:

    What I read in news, etc., it seems that often the only reason is that you are a young black male, being a sagger propably would not help. I could beliewe that even in the U.S. most police are honourable and well meaning, but to insist that they are always in the right is stupid. Police are supposed to be professional, how come that they kill so many unarmed, innocent civilians?

    In my coutry, Finland, there is a lot of guns, 1,5 million, which is the third highest relative gun ownerhip in the world, but very few handguns or machine guns and such. Hunters have a lot of rifles and shotguns and can wait a few weeks to get a lisence and permits. In ten years police fired guns 122 times and killed 7 people while one police have been killed when on duty.

    They are, indeed, supposed to be professional. The problem is, they don't get proper training and screening as professionals should. Civilized locales require cops to have a criminal justice degree or equivalent, and they screen out sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths. Here, though, it doesn't happen. Combine that with America's overall culture of violence, and you get the heinous situation we have these days.

    Thanks for bringing up guns - your country is one of many examples of countries that have high gun ownership, but low gun violence. It goes to show the fact that it's not the guns that're the problem, it's the culture of violence. It's letting stupid, ignorant sociopaths/psychopaths/narcissists run free rather than be institutionalized. One needs to look no further than the Tangerine Twitler currently sitting in the White House! :)

    3 hours ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    Never gonna happen. For as long as man has been around and we have adapted/evolved into our current ethnicities based on environmental needs, there will always be prejudice based on appearance.

    I myself treat everyone with a blank slate, whether they're white, black, yellow, brown, caramel, butterscotch or purple. Sadly there will always be people playing the victim card and trying to blame others for the issues surrounding their particular community because it's easier to blame others than try to fix things themselves.

    1 hour ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    "Hands up don't shoot" was a lie that CNN basically created and perpetuated for months until it was discovered that the friend of and witness to Mike Brown's justified officer involved shooting death, made up him putting his hands in the air and pleading with Ofc Darren Wilson before he was shot.

    In recent memory there has been only 2 shootings where the Officer unjustifiably shot a young black person. One was the little boy that was shot by a black officer before he even got out of the car after dispatch failed to tell responding officers that the boy had a plastic toy gun, the other being the man that was shot as he ran away from the white officer. Both officers were justifiably fired and prosecuted for the murders.


    2 hours ago, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    Stop believing what the Clinton News Network is telling you. The number of cases where an "innocent, unarmed" person is killed by police is very, very low.







    Oops, I facted again. Silly me! :) 

    Seriously, brothers @Krister and anyone else who is actually informed and doesn't believe in a designated underclass/sees human value in everyone - don't let disingenuous people like most of the ones in this thread lead you to believe there is no issue or that the blame is on the underclasses. These are people whose minds are immersed in neofeudalism; who believe that people like me, the disabled guy in the very first post in this thread, @Dillon, and beyond should simply accept what they believe is "our place" in society - being suppressed and denied dignity and rights. When it comes to us "getting all uppity" and standing up and being informed, they will pull out all the stops - creating a false "side" that isn't based on the actual facts, outright lying, playing the "colorblind card", playing the "librul media card", and more... simple fact is, what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong. Civilization is right, neofeudalism is wrong.

    For the caring people here, let me explain a little bit of what especially @SaggerTwinkLover in particular is doing. In neo-feudalism, the designated underclass is kept in place by way of a whole lot of social engineering. Unlike its predecessor, feudalism, the elite is most of the population, and the underclass is the rest. This is to ensure that democracy/republicanism (small "r") and its postive virtues are able to be leveraged in a negative way to keep the system going. The suppression itself is merely a starting point. It has to be perpetuated beyond that. And one of the ways that it's perpetuated is through demonization of the underclass whenever they or any of their allies stand up for justice. It gets turned around, elaborate tricks are played, in order to portray those of us simply seeking human dignity as bad or greedy. One of the ways that this is done is through snarl terms such as "victim card", "race card", etc. Whenever you bring up truths about Injustice, those who do not see us as human will immediately start sprinkling them around.

    You also see it in how he and a couple others are outright lying throughout this thread, because the actual truth is that this system exists, and the truth in general is in lock-step formation with being in harmony with Nature, the existence and liberation of the oppressed, and, y'know, actual civilization and civilized thinking. 

    This also extends to demonization of journalistic outfits (for example, calling CNN the "Clinton News Network"). Journalists' jobs, after all, are to find the truth, so whenever any outfit of them is anywhere close to "uncovering truths" (and CNN, despite being a right-wing corporate outfit, does report factually on a lot of stories neofeudalists would rather see not aired), they get demonized. You also see this with MSNBC, NPR, the BBC, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, PBS, ABC, Al Jazeera... as well as cranked up to eleven with actual 100% civilized outfits like the Guardian, Channel 4, Pacifica, teleSUR, Radio Havana Cuba, Unicorn Riot, Socialist Worker, and RT. And the truth is quite inconvenient (heh) to those in denial about everyone's humanity as well as science, civilization, and Nature. Outfits that pretend to be journalistic, but instead lie and perpetuate neofeudalism, are fine by them and viewed as positives - these are outfits like your Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Wire, PJ Media, RightSide, 99.9% of AM band/mediumwave and HF/shortwave talk radio, et cetera.

  8. 4 hours ago, soakedsagger said:

    Breaking silence because the blocking function doesn't seem to want to work and your correction is, frankly, wrong.

    The dashcam footage shows (or rather, hears, as the view through the rear windshield is hazy at best) Castile being asked for his license, which he hands to the officer. Castile then does something else correctly: informing the police officer that you have a firearm on you currently. The officer then responded properly, telling Castile not to pull lint. This is when things go downhill: he then tells him not to pull it multiple times in response to something, likely Castile moving around in the cab of the car. He does this twice before opening fire. My understanding is that, according to the testimony of his girlfriend (I think, I was never sure if she was his wife or girlfriend or just a friend), Castile was reaching for his license to show he is legally authorized to carry a firearm.

    Upon performing additional research, as it turns out you are not legally required by Minnesota state law to inform a police officer of a concealed carry unless asked. In Minnesota, some municipalities may hold stricter statutes but if in doubt you should inform. He did the right thing, informing the officer of his carry. He then proceeded to do the wrong thing, move around as though retrieving something.

    Throughout all of this, he was never ordered to produce his firearms license. The officer interpreted (likely wrongfully) his movement as reaching for his firearm and responded accordingly. Again, a police officer is not going to put themselves into a situation where they'll be second guessing, because that more often than not will get you and/or others killed. Should he have gotten into that situation? Absolutely not. Should Castile been reaching around his vehicle after telling a police officer he's armed? No. He should have put his hands on the wheel after retrieving his driver's license and registration and kept them there. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever know for certain because the only person that could do so is dead.

    And before passive-aggressive accusations of racism get thrown around, if Castile were white I'd be saying the same thing. I don't care if you're black, white, green, blue, or purple: if you give the police a reason to shoot you, they will shoot you. Whether or not it is under faulty pretenses.


    Yeah, sorry, no. He had been asked for his identification, upon which he informed the officer he had a firearm, and when he proceeded to reach for his identification, getting nowhere near the firearm, he was shot. Even the dad-gummed District Attorney said that officer was in the wrong and proceeded to charge him. Jeez-us, y'all are a trip! 




  9. When it comes to school, workplace, etc shootings, that introduces the need for (A) a well-funded, nationwide mental health care system that ensures sociopaths and psychopaths who are liable to decide one day to pick up a gun and commit a mass shooting are segregated from the general populace and given the treatment they need among other necessities, and (B) for people in general to stop being such cliquey jerkwads and start breaking off some of that family-style friendship for those outcast and in need of human bonds. For people to drop the idea that someone has to be "like them" for them to be friends with them. Some shootings, indeed, result from people who've been left out and snap from the loneliness (severe enough ostracism will definitely do that to a social animal). Boom and boom - that takes care of the vast majority of mass shootings right there.

    On the ownership of guns, well, the civilized are all about self-defense, resisting neofeudalism, and the defense of nature and civilization. Fortunately, my fellow leftists have finally started to realize in large numbers that guns are a key part of that. The American left has been mostly anti-gun for too long; prancing around with flowers in our hands don't cut the mustard. xD

  10. Just now, TheOther1 said:

    Never known someone to bring up race so often.

    That's one traffic stop anyway out of thousands that are done everyday. You don't know what happened in the car anyway before the shots were fired.... and well, none of that would have happened if the laws in America weren't so stupid that people are allowed to carry guns.

    Just another helpful correction. :) I'll keep bringing race up until either the last shred of racism is gone from humanity or I kick the bucket, whichever comes first. :)

    We know exactly what happened. Full compliance, just like you love so much, and Philando still got shot. Go figure, huh?

    Gun control is not the solution. The right of the civilized to bear arms is a right that ain't to be infringed, period. I'm fine with fully automatic rifles and machine guns in the hands of civilized civilians. We don't have a gun problem; we have a racism, classism, and denial of racism and classism problem, with neofeudalism at the root. 

  11. 25 minutes ago, Dillon said:


    Except this guy wasn't even doing anything.  No rights. No due process. No nothing. Just left in a coma.  


    It's a little surprising tbh that this place is mostly pro cop... I am a little surprised by that. 

    (bolding mine)

    Well, it shouldn't be. After all, the majority of the populace here are privileged white guys who appropriated a Black fashion style, yet harbor a lot of unchecked racism and have no idea what it's like (and have made no attempts to understand what it's like--i.e. have empathy for) for people of color and non-privileged white people - including our struggles with being the target of a corrupt, neofeudalist justice system. Keep on telling the truth, brother, and standing for justice. :)

    NOTE: Before the accusations of "attacking all non-black saggers" come in - There is a difference between "adoption" and "appropriation". A non-racist white guy who sags is fine and has simply adopted sagging (love y'all!); a racist one who sags (including preference trolls) is guilty of appropriation.

  12. Just now, SaggerTwinkLover said:

    If you do some research on Linda Sarsour you will find out that she's a puppet of Palestine and pro-Sharia Muslim groups. Also, why would I cite sources that you want to ignore? I mean, you just said that you don't believe in crime statistics so providing them is futile. You keep on keeping on. 

    Alright then, you've got no cites from actual studies or anything; got ya. "believing" in "official" crime statistics in America (which, by the way, even THEY are nowhere near extreme as you claimed they are! lol), where white crime goes underreported is like "believing" in North Korea's "100% literacy rate" (where they count you as "literate" if you can write "Kim Il-sung", "Kim Jong-il", and "Kim Jong-un").

    You're also gonna need some cites from actual studies or non-neofeudalist news sources for that claim about Linda. Also, apparently she's the President of Feminism now. Who'd've thunk it?

  13. You're definitely not alone in this country wanting to avoid being "Brainwashed" by statistics, science, facts, human empathy, and civilization thinking. It's always "bulls***" to those who think that selfishness is a virtue. Screw "safe spaces", I'm out every day telling the truth, fighting for life worth living and my rights, standing up for others suppressed, and in the struggle for civilization -  in cyberspace and in the streets alike. That's helping people for real. :)

    For anyone wanting to see why he is not to be paid much mind other than quick refutations and dismissals, look through his post history. "Feminism is pro-sharia law". Jeezus, if there was a way to make rational people dismiss you it's that kinda mess lol. Still waiting on those cites!!!!

    • Thanks 1
  14. Oops, had to delete the previous post, accidentally omitted part of it.

    Lol @SaggerTwinkLover, let's see your cites from positive organizations such as university research departments that confirm those numbers. You can't use the government's crime stats, since they only record arrests and convictions - which are invalid as the system goes light on whites and Asians, as stated in the paragraph below. Huge swaths of white crime go unrecorded in the official numbers. Gonna ignore your little Breitbarty conspiracy theory/ignorance of American history and slide it right into the Circular File where it, and other racist Trumpian mess, goes. :)

    I'm not even gonna directly respond to the neo-feudalist/crypto-fascist mess that's already been dropped in this thread; instead let me talk a little bit of turkey starting with some things about Martin Luther King, Jr - starting with dropping in an MLK quote that not only applies to "the radical center" regarding racial injustice, but also to economic injustice and... well, really, any injustice.  Those who don't directly engage in the injustice, but who also refuse to stand with those targeted; instead, the "mushy center". Note that the conversation today is mostly focused on race (and there definitely IS a racial component - despite all skin tones committing criminal offenses at similar rates, blacks and Latinos get arrested, charged, convicted, and wasted at 3+ times the rate whites and Asians do) but the truth of the matter is that if you are one of the less fortunate, those in the designated underclass in America, you are a prime target for brutality and abuse from the police no matter your skin tone. This brother's in the video from the original poster is white, but he is low on society's totem pole. And when ya got neo-feudalism, ya gotta keep the "serfs" in line and then make up pseudo-rational excuses as to why they "deserved" to get beaten, shot, falsely arrested, or whatever. Oh, and don't forget "just let internal affairs/the courts handle it", too.


    Yes, MLK said this. The "radical center" has succeeded at doing what they are great at - demonizing pro-justice activists in their time, then - given about 20 years or so - whitewashing (no pun intended) their legacy to use it to bash present-day activists. Shaun King, the closest person BLM has to a "leader" (one of the top ways to tell someone's a fascist is if they refer to "BLM" [or "Antifa", for that matter] as a singular organization; they are movements made up of diverse people and organizations), is a socialist - and so was MLK. In fact, MLK was actually closer to an outright communist (and good for him, ain't no shame in wanting to return to the system that has been Nature's way since social animals first evolved 500 million years ago), and told this truth that annoys the stuffing out of the "but they looted and broke things!!!11oneone11!!" crowd whenever it's brought up to them.



    Yet, they love to point to MLK after a riot happens. Refer to what I said above about the whitewashing of legacies. You can bet your bunions that 40-50 years from now, Shaun King will have schools and streets named after him, and neo-feudalists of the future will condemn their day's pro-justice activists using his name.

    This is also where people who are privileged enough to not know oppression (which, in neo-feudalism, is a majority of the population) need to shut the mouth and open the ears to those who do, as they have no knowledge of the "intolerable conditions" MLK referred to and so need to listen to those of us who do know them. But, of course, that doesn't happen most of the time.

    In this dude's case, @Dillon, I don't even need to elaborate any more on why this video's messed up - you did a stellar job, yourself. Truly a sad case, and it's sickening to see so many people okay with this.

    To answer a couple more of your questions, here's a few points - this list is NOT exhaustive - on how to reform the police, and the "justice system" as a whole:

    • Require prospective police officers to complete a FOUR YEAR college degree in Criminal Justice, with minors in Psychology, Sociology, History, and Cultural/Diversity Studies.
    • Require testing to screen out sociopaths, narcissists, and psychopaths.
    • The above two would eliminate nasty cops like the ones in that video. :)
    • To continue, Raise the bar for what constitutes "probable cause"
    • Abolish the cash bail system, replacing it instead with a system like New Jersey's that does a mostly complete (nothing's perfect) job of ensuring that only those who pose an actual DANGER to the public remain in jail pre-trial.
    • Abolish the direct election of judges, DAs, prosecutors, et cetera; replace with appointment by a council of arbiters of civilization
    • Turn prison around to a system like Norway's that emphasizes actual rehabilitation, not raw punishment.

    There's a LOT more that needs to be done in addition to the aforementioned, but this is a good start. :)

    The police get away with this mess because they are doing exactly as the current system wants - helping to keep a designated underclass "under control", under the guise of "knights in shining patrol cars to be worshipped". The system as a whole needs to be changed from neo-feudalism to civilization, period. 

    Definitely jail - and rehabilitate/retrain/re-educate officers who do this kinda mess.

    Seriously, anyone random from Google reading this, I assure you not all us saggers are this cold/asleep (and I encourage you to check out my very own oases from the mess, found in my signature!). Seriously, y'all! XD This also goes for other SW members reading this thread in general. Anyone who cares about their fellow man, those of us at the bottom of society, and wanna help: start by finding your local Democratic Socialists of America or Socialist Alternative chapter and get involved - they are growing at a nice clip and are at the forefront of today's movement for justice for everyone who lacks it and needs it, and are a great starting place to get involved in the countless other positive organizations out there. It was, indeed, a DSA march that that Nazi dude plowed into. We gotta be in the streets in that Jeremy Corbyn spirit - "For the Many, not the Few"! :)

    Ignore those who bellyache about "the poor police with cameras in their faces", and get involved with an organization that harnesses the fact most of us have one or more devices equipped with cameras and helps keep the police honest like CopBlock.

    I'm proud of you for bringing this topic up, Dillon, and being on the right side of justice. :) I'm sure being on the receiving end of mess from the "justice system" that locks up a greater proportion of its country's citizens than gems like North Korea, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Belarus do definitely woke you up more to what's up (not to say that personal experience is necessary; anyone with actual empathy for their fellow man is woke to this), and I'm happy for you that you got justice. I have been on the receiving end of lots of "justice system" mess, myself, but I never got jack - and that's how it goes most of the time. Be sure to get involved, yourself, so that, just perhaps, we can create a future where this kinda crap ain't as common as pigeons at a downtown bus station. :)

    "Let racist ignorance be ended
    For respect makes the empires fall
    Freedom is merely privilege extended
    Unless enjoyed by one and all!" - Billy Bragg on his version of "The Internationale", 1991

    • Thanks 1
  15. 16 hours ago, Boxersexposed said:

    I have a big fetish for undies. To include anything done to me I enjoy seeing guys expose their undies, being tied up to expose mine. I also enjoy cumming in undies that aren't mine especially if my milker sags I think it sounds weird but I enjoy it



    Hot body hair, man. :)

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Sweetcruiser28 said:

    First time sag 


    Nice, sexy sag and build, dude! :) Always nice to see other real dudes on here amongst all the shallow Ken dolls and posers who look like they belong in an H&M catalog rather than on what's supposed to be a site for saggers ;)

    • Like 1
  17. I'm big into piss, myself. Love to watch other guys taking a leak, especially outdoors, in/on vehicles, on leather/vinyl, or in their clothes. Guys pissing on other guys. Pissing my clothes, as well. Also very big on the idea of pissing on other dudes and other dudes pissing on me. :) Some pics...



    20160921_205651 2.jpg

    20170216_151658 2.jpg

    20170216_151613 2.jpg

    20161231_154211 2.jpg

    • Like 1
  18. I've got lots of fetishes and turn-ons...

    Sagging (all kinds), underwear (silk/satin boxers; boxer briefs; athletic; jockstraps; more), piss, farts, sneakers/socks/feet/boots, leather/vinyl, shiny gear, athletic gear, outdoor "activities", wet/messy, sideless shirts, dominance/submission, wedgies, armpits, boners, jeans, wrestling, crossdressers, big dudes, rough/"bad"/"bro" types, and a fair bit more... 

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