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  3. lol. YouTube thinks I like Soulja Boy for his music…

  4. You're f*ckin hot 🔥 🔥 🔥 Just had a gander at your amazing pics. Great job!! ❤️

  5. Puma Boxer



    1. spasagger


      Amazing! 🔥🔥

    2. Baggystar


      OMG... your ass is pure G-O-L-D!!! 😍😍😍

      But I told you countless times before, haven't I? 😉

  6. I had a couple of knocks from my late brother Kyle x 

  7. Last week
  8. Just replied to your DM. No idea who you are but thanks lol 

  9. Hellooooo darlin just wanna reiterate our bromance ❤️

  10. IMG_9424.jpeg

    1. Baggystar


      Can I touch your Calvins, please? 🥵

  11. Hey! Sorry I was off for so long, I got quite busy. But i’m back! By the way, you can always message me if you wanna talk!

    1. Emohotboy


      Just send u dm bro 

  12. Crying now my boyfriend of 4yrs passed away

  13. Glad we're operational again. Thank you mods for keeping us all ticking over away from madness. Much appreciated ❤️

  14. Happy Birthday!

  15. Earlier
  16. Omg once again I saw a sagger boy wearing AE boxers, showing ass and boxers. It was in the afternoon rush hour in the city bus. I did not take any pictures cause it was full of people as it was in the rush hour. He was kinda cute :) 

  17. Hollister Baggy 


    1. Emohotboy


      Nice CK white boxers :) 

    2. Baggystar


      Uuuh... hope to see it live very soon! 😍😍😍

  18. Should I continue sorting each new album by different color/brand underwear or should I categorize them by only color and updating them with new pics?

    1. Emohotboy


      It is up to u bro. To be honest with u, I really like both :) 

    2. Lee249


      Like I say with everyone, a contribution is so much appreciated. Lets not complicate things haha. Keep up the good work! When I get a chance, I shall peek at your pics 😉

    3. jonquestor


      Organize as you like. It’s all good!

  19. @SaggerMatt always a pleasure my friend 😉

  20. Hey guys 😁 It wasn't until the Euros final when I realised that the site is back. Soooooo happy about this. Missed everyone ❤️

    1. Andrew_Smiley94


      Yeah, I noticed the site was pretty much down around 10am NY time (3pm England)… and it was back working again around the night time. But then there were glitches here and there the following day. Thankfully Flamey was able to resolve it and told us what happened. Then TheOther1 had to fix the glitches. So pretty much since around July 7th or 8th, the site seemed to be going smoothly, but quiet viewers lol.

  21. C'mon England bring it home lads 💪

    1. Lee249


      Gutted isn't the word but the team worked their hot arses off & deserve so much praise for grinding out matches & giving it their all. The nation is proud of them. Onto the next ❤️💪

  22. First pic here 🤭large.IMG_8768.jpeg.b2b35f28d9a577f6a372649faeaeb2eb.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jonquestor


      Totally awesome. Great first sag pic. The colors are great.  Those boxers look fun…can’t wait to see more of them. 

    3. Miguel


      This photo promises a lot :damn:


    4. dedesagger


      Je kiff de ouf mec

  23. Anyone want to send sagging pics?

  24. Whilst out in town, I witnessed this guy wearing a hoody (hood was up because of the rain) probably would be like that regardless sagging low in black boxers. It kinda looked like he was sporting a wedgie haha.

    It was a black all over ensemble. The hoody, sweats, boxers, shoes. He happened to be walking in front of me up the high street. Thought I'd share 😜

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jonquestor


      Thanks for sharing. I bet you followed him a few blocks longer than you needed too. 😜

    3. Andrew_Smiley94


      Be interesting if that’s Pokémon! You can follow him and give him a wedgie! 😆😆

    4. Lee249


      @jonquestornah from what I recall before the site went down. He was on my route mate 👍

  25. Hey man! How’s it going? Tried to private message you, but doesn’t look like you’ve seen it…

  26. Looking forward to some squirting this evening guys 💦🍌😜 

    1. SaggersRhot


      Sounds like a good plan! I could go for that myself

  27. I wanna apologise to everyone who saw my previous stat update re: suicide. Would like to justify the post. I'm ok! Just got overwhelmed by stuff that's happening with me. I wanted to explain. I've since taken it down. All is super cool now 👍

    Lots of love ❤️

    Lee x 

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