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Posts posted by CosmoBoy

  1. A few years ago "Skins parties" (inspired by the UK "Skins" TV show) were the big thing in UK and France, with huge improvised home partie transforming into crazy and totally off limits orgies. A friend of mine attended one back in 2009 in France where the fashion had come from UK.

    A court convicted just yesterday two organisers of a Skins Party in southern France that had resulted in the nearly total destruction of a house, and the subject is rising again on the web and newspapers.

    Does anyone here ever attended one of those parties ? I mean the wild improvised ones with secret location an stuff, not the pale imitations that clubs try to organise to make cash on the hype.

    Tell us everything !!

  2. Of course, society and people will always try to label you have you enter into this or that category so thats it's reassuring. Truth is I think we are all unique and I hope that labelling ans stereotyping each others is something that is evolving a bit.

    I don't get your question very well, though. You wanna know about stereotypes and roles inside the LGBT community ? On the scene ? From outside on this all ? Can you be more precise on what your waiting for / fearing of ?

  3. I think sctwo is quite right on his critics, since you want some :) So here's what I think.

    The story takes a lot of time to build up, which is great, but the end feels so abrupt and precipitated that it's a bit hard to believe. In the timeline and duration development you suddenly go from one or two days per chapter, to weeks and maybe months in the last one, without it being a proper conclusion since you leave everything open (the club and saggers' community, and the sagging-trend brought elsewhere by the hero). You said at some point that writing it had become a burden, and the end just makes it feel like it was rushed a bit to relieve yourself.

    I think the story could have ended a bit before, when your main character discovers everything was just a lure. There was truly a great disappointment feeling to it, a question about how vain this was or not, and questions that were asked at the very beginning of your story. If that had been developped further it could have ended the way you started it : very psychological, with introspection and mixed feelings.

    Don't misunderstand me, I loved the story and reading some more bits of it right now to tell you this was again a big pleasure. But once you set a standard as high as in the first chapters, it's hard to not disappoint your readers if you rush things in the end. Consistency is a hard thing, for sure... Having a clear plan (even if it's rough) of what's going to happen in the whole story when you start writing the 1st chapter would doubtlessly help. Sticking to that plan while you're writing the chapters, and still allowing yourself more depth and details when needed would deffo make your story much stronger. I think you need to know exactly where you're going when you start a story telling about someone going through such a deep transformation in life (sagging + coming out + emancipating from parents). Your writing is so good, that it's a shame the structure behind is not stronger.

    I hope you don't find me harsh here, I'm just in the process of writing a short script myself so I'm totally into narrative arks, character building, motivation reinforcing and stuff like that !

    Ok way too long post here, write more stories Guest, we can't wait !!!

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  4. I do find Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) strangely attractive, although no one could describe him as good looking. I think it's probably his red hair. I've always had a soft spot for redheads. :)

    I totally second that !! He's not handsome, but very attractive anyway. And like you, I totally dig redheads !!

  5. With my job i can sit there and stare cuz i work alone and ppl think im watching the crowd for ppl who need help :D

    Haha, so ppl have plenty of time to drown totally unattended while you're drooling at every sagger's bum ! :D

    Joking, sounds like a stressing / hot job !

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