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Status Updates posted by masked1995sagger

  1. Btw,+here's+and+old+sagging+scene+from+a+2009+show.+Dope+sag


    1. Anonan


      Cool. What's the show called? Nice twinks.

    2. masked1995sagger


      It was a Kids Show, only sag through the series. Aaron Stone. It sucked but the sag's gem

    3. masked1995sagger
  2. Can't stop stealing from my dope sagger friends! Help!!!

    Feels so neat but still stealing so it's bad!

  3. Having fellow saggers that share so much with you, that's a real fulfillment!

    People so confident to show you their boxers without any hold(ing?)backs, that's just awesome!
    Makes one really happy!

    (Sorry if bad english)

  4. Hello, saggerverse.

    Honored to be a new member of such neat community!

    Any advice on what to do first?

  5. Idon't+really+think+that+selling+one's+body+is+the+way+to+shine+in+this+site,+i+mean,+i've+always+focused+on+my+sag+rather+than+my+body+per+se+when+taking+pics+and+content.+Don't+know+how+people+can+upload+30+vids+a+month+with+pure+nonstop+forced+provocation.+Flameboard+does+some+really+neat+videos,+for+example.+Yeah,+he's+provocative+(the+minority+of+time)+and+that+is+not+bad+at+all,+but+his+sag+and+his+boxers+are+what+really+shines+in+his+vids.+Guy's+so+dope!


    1. TheOther1


      Don't understand why there are + in between the words. Need to look into this. 

      But yeah I agree. Keep it focused on the sag :) with Flameboards video they mostly are but then he will show off his stomach because of the star tattoos that people recognise. 

    2. Anonan


      Chill, brother, chill.

  6. Sagging's really neat!

    If you're 20-24 hit me up in my KIK:


    Chatting, sag buddies, pic exchange, things like that.

    Not explicit, tho.

  7. When+you+have+SneakerHead's+blood+running+through+your+veins+but+are+too+broke+and+struggle+so+much+to+actually+buy+a+pair...Oh+boy+it+sucks


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