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Status Updates posted by platypus

  1. Haa, no worries. You have a nice album. C:

  2. Haa, thanks for the picture comments. :P Those weren't from Primark though! There isn't a primark where I live. They were from River Island a while back if I remember correctly.. >> http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j115/ekul3000/Photos/sonic.jpg?t=1294011779 That's what they looked like. And on the ass: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs172.snc1/6449_120534924181_542929181_2228450_7211445_n.jpg :'D

  3. Haa, thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I've got some more written, need to polish it off a bit before posting it though. And yeahhhh need to get a decent camera.. Blurry pics are rubbish. :P

  4. Hey, really like your album. So nice to see bright summery clothes when the weather outside is so miserable. (: Makes me think of the summer to come.

  5. I'm in England, Essex - so the weather is typical English rain at the moment. And thanks for the compliment, need to get some more sagging photos on here though.

  6. Thanks for the add. C:

  7. thanks for the comments! Your new album is super awesome btw.

  8. Thanks for the comments. C: Mark has motivated me to make a proper album. Your pictures are super awesome by the way.

  9. They are indeed... Although sadly they became really faded and I had to chuck them. )8 In fact, I had to chuck a load of my boxers recently because they had faded. But... that meant I got to buy lots of new pairs without having to justify spending so much money. ;D And... as soon as I get a decent camera your wish shall be granted. Aforementioned new underwear needs to be shown off after all!

  10. Totally going to chase up my brother about it. I'm sure I was given a digital camera at some point and he's probably nicked it. If I steal it back then I'll be sorted. B)

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