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Status Updates posted by manniberlin

  1. new upload with cousin lukas

  2. sunday sagging with cousin lukas...album uploaded

  3. super sunny sunday and a day off with lukas in new bjoerns

  4. to all friends in UK: really worried abt ur country atm.......

    1. manniberlin


      terrible news...be careful...water is worse than fire...wish i could help

    2. salesmerlin


      gale force winds here 20 foot tree has gone over just missed the side of the house o.o

    3. Show next comments  3 more
  5. uploaded an album on dropbox.com pixx i took on cologne pride last we the link is: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/49nb63xtp6mu3me/jl0OylhOP0#/

  6. uploaded new album: lukas is back

  7. uploaded two vids on saggerworld tv....for those who want to see us in motion.....

  8. Allez les Bleus!!!


  9. Another new Album would be cool. If u need assistence, im not far away. 

  10. cutting grass for old people is a good job.  do u sag whilst doing it and how low?

  11. i really like ur latest Album and ur style.

  12. Mate, longing for new album of urs! 

  13. merry Christmas Lee, all the best for u

    1. Lee249


      U to buddy :) Make 2017 be the most joyous and troublesome free year with many memories to look back on x

  14. some people know by now, but the others are also invited to visit my blog manniberlin.tumblr.com with some of my latest pixx among lots of reblogs. tumblr is better than we used to think.....

  15. ur latest Album is real eyecandy, thxx for sharing

  16. Waiting for a new hot album of urs, hottie

  17. Wonder who will be  sagger of the month November.....

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