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Status Updates posted by CaptainPanther

  1. Hey Kaden nice to see you online how you been buddy

  2. hey man thanks for stopping by my profile. plenty to see and look through right ?

  3. So i've had a lot of fun on here today i LOVE this site, so many really friendly and absolutely sexy people. Had a lot of fun with some of the members from here today and i'm making new friends everyday. ITS GREAT. just waiting now 2 videos submitted to SaggerworldTv..fingers and toescrossed the get approved...THANKS EVERY ONE WHOS PRIAVTE CAHTTED WITH ME TOO you all way too cool

  4. Its been quite a fun time on here today. Been on and off SW.com and SWtv all day here and there. Had a lot of fun and laughs with some of you. Your all bloody mad and I love it...Thanks Kaden, James86, DargoDraken, among others we had fun lol

  5. Here we go again....You know i just can't keep away from this top notch site, As it happens new photos will be sent in today...Fresh clean undies on this morning yesterdays pierres drying after being washed (ahem wink wink). So sporting my causal blue bbs today with black waist band with blue thread detailing and navy blue addidas t shirt..pics will be up when they arrive lol

  6. Well this is new folks, I now find my self in tit for tat arguments up in here???This doesn't generally happen ITS NOT FACEBOOK lol Any way guys new album up and New vid submitted to SW.Tv this evening :-)

  7. well is 11.50pm here gong to bed soon. What shall I sag tomorrow? I'm thinking my black Pierre Cardin, Cream Cargo trousers Black belt, Black urban spirit top with white vest effect. what you guys think. ANSWERS BELOW

  8. i got just a wee bit damp today...dark patched on my trouser legs looks like i pissed myself...lol

  9. HOT CUP OF TEA coming up, us brits love our tea....mind you its more coffee for me can't get enough of it...Coffee and Ciggies and still fit as a fiddle lol

  10. Woah...how could i forget to up date? 2 oi oi's in my under ass sag today one from a electrical van driver and another from a bike rider,,,then Woof Whistle from some dude across the high street LOL

  11. Off to my cot you crazy saggers.....Its been a great saggin day and some minor drama that over and done with, Tomorrows another sag day. Have a great evening/morning guys KEEP SAGGIN night all

  12. 10.04am here in london starting out to be a bright sunny day, less layers for me this morning then. todays ensemble, white fcuk baseball cap, shades, bkue lee cooper t shirt, black calvins, saggin cream army combats, and fila trainers. pics will be submitted later today folks. more ass shts this time lol

  13. Its a good Sunday here had a 2.and a half hour sag out in the park, with all the footballers and joggers out, had a laugh with all my mates in the chat room and now watching a carry on film

  14. just getting monda monings sag on, grey trackies withblavk piping, great sick of it all sweater, blackduff homer simposon boxer shorts (now changed to coloured plaids) red/grey fila trainers and busting below ass. photos in both undies to come

  15. 11am here in london, windy as hell because of some hurricane, I am off out for my park walk now, lets see if anything as exciting ad yesterday transpires today...sagging my ass out again even though its a chilly wind out there.

  16. hey all, hope your well and your sags are just as awesome as you are. feeling good as usual here

  17. damn its cold today. I don't wanna go out like one of the high waisted brigade. so double jumpers today out there and out comes my ass as never one to let the side down fellas lol

  18. wow its so bright out this morning, 10am getting dressed for doggie walk. sagging blue dickies jeans under ass and grey calvins todaywith navy adidas t shrt and s smile on my face. have a great day saggers LATERZ

  19. Check it all you youngsters out there that want to know more about me and my sagging styles and why i still do it http://www.saggerworld.com/topic/5972-interview-30-with-captainpanther/

  20. The album is now complete...Followers of this album and my sagger bros, continue to comment, like and rate the images if you wan't me to make a special out door album...http://www.saggerworld.com/gallery/album/4869-brand-new-underwear-album/

  21. C--ks are really everywhere aren't they?? And i don't mean the good type either..but the good ones far out weigh the bad ones guys..Keep saggin, Keep it real

  22. hey saggers your votes on my poll are incredible, keep them coming as it endes 30th november TOP 2 will be chosen

  23. This is great. LOL what a way to liven up a room goooo Dagon lol

  24. YES i found em....Sagging my white Calvin BBS today..so happy i found em. I thought I had lost em sagging em with pride right now whoop whoop

  25. the time for announcements for the new outdoor album is almost upon us. as voted for by you guys. love yall

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