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Posts posted by Avido

  1. HI Lee, I've been there and done that. I had a holiday job when I was 19-20. I worked closely with a guy there who was driving me crazy. He was straight, a couple of years older than me and engaged! He was fairly keen to be friends as we got along really well. Although he was straight he was up for a bit of "gay-play" which because I wasn't out in that job (it was factory work) I went along with and enjoyed it for what it was worth. We used to get changed every morning and evening and I'd get to check out his worked out bod twice a day, everyday. (It really did drive me crazy to the point that I got quite upset and came out to my parents.) I never did tell him how I felt about him, but my gay-play got more and more outrageous until he finally made it clear that he wanted me to back off. We remained good friends - I even got an invite to his wedding.

    I still think about him occasionally and wonder what might have been if I'd just had a conversation with him about my feelings. Fact is that converstion never happened and so I'll never know. We probably were close enough for me to talk to him about it. It depends how close you are to this guy - woul you perhaps feel comfortable telling him that your gay first and see how he takes that. If he's ok with that then perhaps a few days later tell him how you feel about him?

    To some extent with all romancing we have to feel our way along one step at a time.

    .....And I think it is true that we only regret the things we don't do.

  2. Hi All, Avido here. As a bisexual I'm feelin a little tired of having to repeatedly come out. I know that sounds kinda wierd but I'm wondering if other bisexuals here have been able to find a solution to this. I imagine if your gay and especially if you have a BF people must fairly quickly realise what is going on and accept it (or not). But being bi seems to confuse the hell out of straights. Especially as I have a longterm GF. I don't want to have to constantly say to new people I meet "Hi, I'm bisexual!" as that would be so naff as it doesn't come up in conversation usually. But if I don't find a way of telling people it eventually kinda seems like I'm hiding it or even lying to them. Actually it really pisses me off when I do say something and they assume I'm just making a joke.

    I'm talking about people such as close work coleagues, new friends etc.

    Does anyone have similar feelings or any suggestions to help? I'd like to hear from you.

  3. With beyouz on this one. Major turn off. But also two comments: 1) Look at smokers who are about 40. Don't they look about 60? 2) Compre non-smokers to smokers - on average there must be about 40 IQ points difference. It's noticible those who can least afford them "have" to buy them!

  4. Always naked. But once when I stayed over night in a straight friend's flat I slept in his flatmat's bed (who was away for the weekend) I thought I should sleep in my boxers. Couldn't get to sleep though as it felt so unnatural. So I took them off and fell asleep. Some time during the night the smell of boy was too much. Major wet dream followed, complete with major stains on the flatmate's sheets! I never told anyone... I don't know what the flatmate thought when he got back...

  5. I've thought a great deal about this subject and I keep coming back tho the 50:50 bi thing. Although I do seem to have different attitudes to M & F. I seem to see men as sex objects, but prefer relationships with women. What all that about then? Beats me...

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