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Posts posted by flameboard

  1. Some things are best not shared lol. But what a shame your work collegues have no idea of the company they keep - in the presence of a World Class Sagger and Hero to so many across the Globe!!!

    Oh Please! Such a exaggeration!

    /Walks onto a KLM plane and puts a magazine on everyone's seat. The magazine is full of pictures of Flamey sagging :P

    HAHA! Well that would be a Ugly Magazine then!

  2. Hey guys!

    On behalf of all the staff here at SaggerWorld.com I

    would like to wish you a very Happy 4th of July!

    Hope you all sag low during the day!

    Would be great to get some 4th July sagging pics from you all!

    Maybe at the fireworks or infront of the flag!

    However what ever your getting up to! ENJOY IT!

  3. Sadly, you weren't my flight attendant. ;( Do you sag on the job by any chance?
    Are you allowed to sag in your job? :lol:

    Hey guys, no i cant sag on the job, as you may know from your flight Justin, KLM have a VERY strict uniform policy and sagging really isnt permitted, especially in a shirt, tie and blazer. Also being a senior i really have to set a good example.

  4. (I just want to say here now, that there is NO tolerance for any sort of hate towards Homosexuality, Culture, Race or Ethnic Background on this site! If there is it will be sorted immediately with the user being banned and blocked from ever returning to the site! As some of you know has happened in the past)

  5. Gallery/Album Photo Uploading Rules

    All pictures must follow these rules to get approved and be visible on the website.

    Adult Content Will Not Be Approved
    Any pictures that contains adult content or suggests adult content will be rejected and the users account maybe removed and/or banned. Please keep in mind that SaggerWorld.com is NOT a over 18 site and welcomes users of all ages! We will be accepting photos of "Bulges" as we understand this is the way some people sag! HOWEVER we will only be accepting these of users over 18, and we will not be accepting photos that show "Boners"

    Copyright / Logo's Are Not Permitted
    Your picture must not contain a copyright or logo from another website, this includes URLs to other websites.

    No Pictures From People Under The Age Of 16
    A user uploading pictures that is under 16 will not have there pictures approved also if the person in the picture is believed to be under the age of 16 years old it again will be removed. This is to comply with Canadian, US and UK law!

    No Altered Content
    Pictures may not be extremely altered from their original form. Some alterations such as making your picture black and white will be allowed, but any alterations that cause the picture to drastically change your looks will be rejected.

    No Duplicate Pictures
    If you have the same picture numerous times in your albums they will be rejected and deleted.

    No Fake Pictures
    This means that if your picture which you claim to be yourself is believed to be fake and not you the SaggerWorld.com staff may reject your picture as a fake. The only way to get it approved again is to upload a valid picture with a piece of paper displaying SaggerWorld.com written on which will then show this is a actual picture of yourself.

    Note: If you do not obey by this request within a certain time period after your picture has been rejected as a fake your album will be deleted or your account banned.

    SaggerWorld Discretion
    SaggerWorld and its staff reserves the right to prohibit or delete photos that are thought to violate applicable laws or that may be harmful to other members, the websites that comprise SaggerWorld or the rights of others.

    We reserve the right to remove your membership from SaggerWorld should you violate these Guidelines.

    • Like 18
  6. ha most of my jeans have buttons on the fly and so often I forget to do one or more of them up!

    I find them fiddly as well, often looks like I'm playing with myself at the urinal LOL...I should employ someone to check my buttons are done up and if they aren't dives right in there and sorts it for me :o]

    Might as well make that my 3rd job :P Will send in my application :P

    On the hand of this thread, keyhole openings are the way to go!

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