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Status Updates posted by saggersteve

  1. dude! u gotta make a lil profile album with that pic ur using as the avatar! That looks totally hot/awesome/wicked n i wanna b able to add it to my "hot saggin' looks file!

  2. dude! u have any jeans saggin' pics to make a profile album?

    what do u usually do for fun??

  3. dude! u need 2 get sum profile pics up!!

  4. dude! wuz hopin' 2 find a pic or two in a profile album!

  5. Dude! You said a couple weeks or so ago that you wanted to know about this type of thing: at this moment in the "new posts" list, there is a post by lou17 under "What Kind Of Sagger Are You?" listed as being posted 15 hours ago. Pulling up the post it shows 2 days ago, which is about right. This goes back to a comment I posted, followed by a similar comment by Big Mike, relating to aged comments made by each of us being shown as current.

  6. Flameboard:

    "I did not understand A WORD of that LMAO,

    Have no idea what u just said to me :P" -

    - guess something musta got lost in the transqulation - lol

  7. good 4 u on the bf sagging school! now ya gotta get him signed up on here with some pics on his profile!

    even in the galleries!

    good job, dude!!

  8. got any saggin jeans pics u can put in ur profile?

  9. got sum great bone-makin pics here dude! give us some more!!

  10. great on the pic - makes me/us want more!! how 'bout a big profile album??

  11. guess u got it all str8 with ur folks, bro n sis? n ur bro is ok with it - i hope!!

  12. H Bd 2 U

    H Bd 2 U!

    H Bd 2 Bri-ang,

    H Bd 2 u1

  13. H BD, cool dude!

  14. have some good saggin jeans pics? y not put them in ur profile 4 us?? u can check mine out on my profile.

  15. haven't found 'em yet - moderator prob has to do his thing b4 they get posted. i'll keep lookin'


  16. HBd2u,


    HBd2Baggyboyf-f-m-m (whew!)

    Hbd 2 u!!!

  17. Hbd2u,




  18. Hey bro - says u were here a week ago so i guess ur still alive. I've been wonderin'.

    Wot u been in2? Life good??

  19. hey bro - still wonderin bout ya - wot ya been up2?

  20. hey bro! let us know what happens wit u n ur bo on the scar thing!

  21. hey bud - im around martins ferry on da river wen im here

    where r u?

    get sum pics in ur profile album wen u can . . .


  22. hey dude - 2 long since ive heard from u! wots up? family n friends okay with ur life? gettin new friends?

    please! keep in touch . . .

  23. hey dude - glad u uploaded pics, but where did u upload them 2? wanna c them but cant find them.

    IDEA: y dont u make a foto album in ur profile n upload there as well as the galleries? then ur friends can go right 2 u!!

  24. hey dude - haven't meant 2 ignore ya! i jus get on here 4 a lil bit 2 see wots happenin (mabe a comment or 2 on new posts) then i'm out 2 catch up on other stuff. don't have ne messengers . . . n i'm lookin 4 the pics u said u posted the other day. guess they're caught up in dillon's logjam . . . might get time 2 get sum new pics - let u no.

    chill - l8r, dude

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