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Posts posted by Coloradosagger

  1. 1 minute ago, SaggerMatt said:

    I've personally been losing a little--after being skinny most of my life, then putting on a ****-ton in the past few years.  I mostly recommend getting some regular exercise and eating to that.  That's you're best chance at leaning out.


    That photo is fine, if that's what you're going for.  He has a lot of mass (and mostly muscle).  That takes some heavy weights and a lot of food.  It'd probably take a little while to achieve as well.

    Thanks @SaggerMatt

  2. I just want to reboot this topic again.  I have been doing well not to gain any weight but I have been struggling to lose the weight.  If anyone has any advice how to help me with my struggle, please let me know.  Also, I have finally decided that I have a semi helpful goal of what I would like to look like and this photo is it.  While I know that I will never get as defined as this guy, I wanted to opinion of my fellow saggers wether or not you guys would find this attractive, or if the look is too much. 


  3. On 3/30/2018 at 10:51 AM, Penguinflag said:

    This is a topic I’ve struggled with for a long time. But I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not gay because I like certain music, tv shows, or sagging and saggers. I’m not gay because I’m effeminate or very “expressive” with my gestures or the way I walk. All those things are just who I am personally. They do NOT define my sexuality. I am gay simply because I am attracted to men. That’s it. My sexuality is solely defined by my attractions. Everything else is secondary and just a part of my personality. 

    That was my defining moment- realizing that everything people thought didn’t matter. What mattered was that I was attracted to men and that made me gay. 

    Agreed with @Lee249 Be proud of who you are and what makes you, well, you. 

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  4. You get all of the same feelings, movements, and ejaculation as you would but the only major difference is that you don’t have sperm production but you still have the same expulsion of cum. I personally have not had one but my brother, and two best friend have and they still have and they noticed no difference. 

  5. I also find this hot.  When a guy is so muscular, that the sides of the shirt are tight all around his lats, traps, and delts.  And before you say it’s photoshopped, the guys name is Bruno Moraes and he really is that big.


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  6. I am going through a similar experience.  I had a best friend who recently broke up with his extremely controlling girlfriend.  She had him wrapped so together around her finger that she had access to almost everything in his life.  She often deleted my text messages off of his phone.  Since then, I have tried reaching out to him but he barely acknowledges my messages and then he never responds.  After trying for the past few months, I have given up the challenge and decided that if he had truely wanted to be friends again, he would have been more open and excited about the experience.  I have to agree with @Krister and with @wetskateboarder.  Try and see him face to face and if he doesn't respond or try, then at least to tried to make the effort 

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