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Posts posted by Coloradosagger

  1. 39 minutes ago, SBJB said:

    Shoot it down? It's a discussion bro. There is no shooting it down as long as we can all contribute, which we can. Please share, after all you are an adored and respected member tomass. :)

    To reiterate @tomass‘s point, your tendency to shoot down anyone’s opinion that does not completely and perfectly conforms with your beliefs @SBJB shows what a narcissist you are.  Like @Krister‘s article on feminism or this, you have interjected your opinions and made great and polite conversations turn into conversations that all center around you @SBJB.  And your rank with this site doesn’t put you in a higher plain of existence they everyone else on here.  

    • Like 3
  2. 56 minutes ago, tomass said:

    SBJB always has to state his opinion on everything and he thinks his opinion is always right. If its not, then he will continue to fight and argue about it. The world doesnt revolve around you SBJB.

    That seems to be the general consensus with everyone that interacts with him.  Seems to be a classic case of narcissism with him.  But I’m gettingg off topic and he would see that as a problem but that’s the life of a self centered narcissist. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Dillon said:

    Eh Ive been through worse. And yea it gets better and you don't have to do it as much because you are pulling the hair root out as well. The trick is the the way you pull it off and applying  the waxx


    Thank you for the information.  Is there anyplace you would recommend that might be here in Colorado or any suggestions on how to find the best place for waxing. 

    • Like 1
  4. Let’s start here @SBJB

    First, This was Vikkin’s original post and his first comment.  

    “PS.: If you comment please write down your sexuality, because I'm interested if there's a difference between gays and bis in this matter.” 

    I do not see anything that states Vikkin wants to know neither what bisexuality is not do I see anything in the first part of Vikkin’s query that would require this comment in any way:

    “There's no such thing as Bisexual, people confuse the romantic attractions they have for women as sexual attractions. They are not the same thing. So there can be no difference in what people prefer hair-wise.”

    Second, this is what Vikkin responded with when he posted again:

    I'm just simply interested the opinion of people here, and somewhat was interested if we can see a difference of the preference of gays and bis.”

    I have read this statement several times and in no way, shape, or form that this comment listed below even is part of the actual conversation that Vikkin was stating.  

    “There's no such thing as Bisexual, people confuse the romantic attractions they have for women as sexual attractions. They are not the same thing. So there can be no difference in what people prefer hair-wise.”

    Vikkin didn’t not ask for your opinion on what bisexual means nor did he inquire as to the true meaning, your meaning, that you have so inappropriately interjected into the conversation.  He simply wanted to see if bisexual people had a different preference for hair over gay people.  Next time, read the full question and keep unnecessary comments or interjections to yourself and stick to the main topic at hand next time.  

    Respectfully, Admiral_olsen

  5. 24 minutes ago, SBJB said:

    So you won't spend 'hours' to do something that will stop you from feeling ashamed of yourself? Do you refuse to spend an hour getting your hair cut too? Refuse to shower? Refuse to eat? Where do you draw the line?

    The opinion of people here won't differ much from out there. Only that there may be a few that have a thing for hair, when they really just have low self-esteem and choose to pick which lesser desirable qualities they will settle for in a person. Although perhaps not always.

    There's no such thing as Bisexual, people confuse the romantic attractions they have for women as sexual attractions. They are not the same thing. So there can be no difference.

    Yeh @SBJB, I’m still unclear about what left field that “no such thing as bisexual” comment came out of.  There is no preface and it’s mostly and unfounded argument in your comment.  You simply make a statement without anything to back up your argument or to relate that argument to.  To me, the “no such thing” comment is as if you were stating that bisexuality is a myth and doesn’t exist.  You then back up your argument with an incomplete and unreasoned argument.  Also, @Vikkin was simply stating that on many occasions (as I know many Bisexual people) that there are some obvious, and less obvious, differences in likes and dislikes between those people who identify as gat and those who identify as bisexual.  Your “no such” comment is totally unrelated to the comment made by Vikkin in his post about the differences. 

    As for Your comment @Vikkin, if you have 5at much body or facial hair, more often than not, most barber shops, or salons, will be able to shave your hair at a much faster, and more efficient rate, than what you could do at home.  Now, if you are turned off by your own body hair and others, then you can always look into laser hair removal which is very effective and relatively pain free.  I would cut down on your personal grooming time and  save yourself a lot of money in the process.  But, that is only what I would do if I were in your position.  Since I have very slow growing body and facial hair, I don’t have to shave or from very often and I enjoy getting a haircut as a fresh haircut makes you look fresh and handsome. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Vikkin said:

    Classic rock, for me rap is like rhythmic poetry with background music.

    Songs before or after 2000?

    That’s hard.  Prefer both but I will take after 2000. 

    Travel across country by train or airplane?

  7. Hey @Vikkin, I am also turned off by body hair when it’s on the stomach, back, butt, chest and shoulders.  I don’t mind body hair on the arms and legs which I find somewhat sexy and a slight turn on.  I don’t like facial hair unless it is well trimmed and maintained and not shaggy. For example, I find Arabic guys look really good with light facial hair that works with their looks.  But beyond that, I have never found facial or body hair to be attractive.  I have some but I also find this unattractive and if I had the money, would go through with laser hair removal.  I know a couple of guy who have said, the more and shaggier the hair, the better.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 7/2/2017 at 2:54 AM, BrotherSorrows said:

    My sister marries the local minister son after he, the minister, she legal at 16. gives her the key to the church o they can go meet to o oo.  YES, sister marries the son.  Marries the son of her father in law, former and original and first blood lover.  NOT kidding.  Sister tries to sue against father in law minister 30 years later.  He, father and som. is a boy lover.  41 yearmrry sister is with one stupid kid. boy, ugly.   Meet up 1995 and that son has ugly druggy girlfriend (legal, 18 plus0).    Minister does try me.  His son hates me.  Both are boy seeks.  See with eyes.  They are not GAY.  they be be what they wont be, wanting being wont..   OOOO is out of law and order.  LAW and ORDER does not equal justice.  Justice does not equal fair and straight.  OH ... shut my mouth and stiffen my fingers

    Can you translate this uncontrolled train of though?  I have ADHD and I have no clue where this is supposed to go. Lol

  9. On 1/12/2018 at 11:53 AM, Lee249 said:

    Easier said than done brah. 

    I had loads of chocs and snacks left over from the holidays. Can't refrain myself from temptation. I'd fast though, if nowt food was in the cupboards. 

    I agree with you @Lee249, refraining from eating junk is so hard but it can be done.  My only problem is that I have a little hypoglycemia that can often screw with me.  I have tried eating a lot less than I used to but even that is hard too.  I have been eating a lot less from what I used to eat.  I was an excessive overeater when I was younger and I have managed to change that. I was able to lose the holiday pounds that I gained though.  Gained almost 10 pounds from the holidays.  

  10. 3 hours ago, SBJB said:

    Thanks, and that's interesting. Because a young child can't determine if someone is gay, but an adult can. So when an adult says that some gay guys are obviously gay (camp), and some aren't clear to see. Perhaps this is because a higher level of observation is needed, one that can determine if all men are gay or not? Some people have a good gaydar, and other's not. Maybe there are always signs if you know what to look for?

    I am 24 yeas old and I can’t tell when someone is straight or gay and it’s hell.  And after really thinking about it, this would be helpful for me to get a date and for those who cannot figure things like this out.  I can look at any guy or girl and and unless they make their sexuality obvious, by action or display, then I would never be able to tell.  And because of that, displays of affection and emotions are a total mystery to me in general. 

    • Like 1
  11. Over this past year, I have been working out hard trying to lose weight which has been slow going and difficult.  After thinking about it, I have decided that if I am going to be lifting weights, I might as well get a lot more muscular, like bodybuilder size.  I am already a pretty big guy and somewhat overweight but I am fairly built and strong, but I do have to keep working hard.  If anyone has words of encouragement, help, thoughts, all that would be greatly appreciated.  I will also be glad to hear from any of you who work out and have a lot more experience in these areas. Thank you.

  12. My opinion is some what useless in this but unless you are absolutely confident and sure of this, then go for it.  But if your uncomfortable or still unsure about doing this, then do t force yourself into it.  

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