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Everything posted by Lee249

  1. Roses - sounds corny but I might give these to a lad on a date. Whether he would accept is another case. Do you give flowers to a lad? Oh god am soo embarrassed oops.
  2. And i thought i were the dirty one HAHA As spankings go that's not me and yeah I received a slap or two from me mum only because I deserved it lol. I acted like a right rebel and got up to mischief as a teen. It's all history and I've grown up a lot since then
  3. Lee249

    A Or B?

    Nobody has answered sooooo.....Brannings gets me vote like. Trampolines or roller skates
  4. Lee249

    A Or B?

    Ooh was it a gay lovefest one lol. Sorry, I'm a horny so and so haha Dog The Moons or the Brannings (watching Eastenders ATM)
  5. Lee249

    A Or B?

    Hell yeah! I'd work him over good and proper all night long mmmmm Thanks for putting him in me head Flat or Mansion Personally, a mansion is too large for anyone regardless if you're rich or not!
  6. Lmao, see this is the precise reason I come here each day. I simply cannot stay away from the latest lol. Our members are soo kind and thoughtful which adds to me enjoying the site even more
  7. Lee249

    A Or B?

    Haha it's a line from the late Richard Griffiths in the legendary film WithNail & I Sponge means gay and straight means that. You should see WithNail & I. Funny film it absolutely is an amazing film.
  8. Aww, i'm flattered you think that bud. Bless ya lol. Thanks Day - as in U2's timeless classic Beautiful Day. Sounds so fresh even today!
  9. Paramore - Last Hope from their brand new 4th album self-titled. Am downloading this as i type! I purchased this randomly to sample for a taster and it's awesome which you would expect. Can't wait to hear the rest. Here's Last Hope http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=82XzHCXe1P4
  10. Grey beanie, Lee Cooper checkered short-sleeved shirt, blue chinos from Burtons, green Diesel boxerbriefs, white Slazenger socks and high-tops. It's been a lovely spring day
  11. Lee249

    A Or B?

    Romance. I don't mind roughness but it depends on the moment like. Spunge or Stone
  12. Don't forget to applaud Flameboard on our new banner folks.

    1. Rekhel



  13. This was a good version. I believe it was the original tune and the clubs certainly loved it back in it's heyday. Cheers.Venga Boys - Boom Boom Boom I hope this works. Ps, I realise I've stuck this in the wrong post (should be above) Can' t be asked for another edit means starting again. It's a bit tricky like haha.
  14. You got it pal! Ooh Brainwave* Venga Boys - Boom Boom Boom I remember in their video the shirtless lad dressed as a cowboy holding a gun The opening lyrics of the chorus were "Boom Boom Boom I want you in my room" perfect chat up line ey??
  15. Finally received me City & Guilds certificate in the post today wooooo. Only took em lazy buggers 6 weeks!

    1. flameboard


      yeah what in mr? Well done though.

    2. Lee249


      Aww thanks fellas. I studied a course through h.i.t. (Hospitality, Industry, Training) i did it for a job i wanted. Pity it's taken soo long to arrive like.

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