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Status Updates posted by Lee249

  1. A big day ahead of me 2moro. I've gotta be up at 6am but can't sleep for some reason :(

  2. A club where saggers can hang out for real. If only that were possible.....

    1. Guest


      It is possible to just organize big meetings, but it would quickly turn into a huge sagger orgie.

    2. Rekhel


      And that would be great ! :P

  3. A guy kept grabbing & pecking me on the cheeks every 5 mins. I felt seriously uncomfortable. I just wanted to cry until i found that he slapped me mates musses ass!

  4. A lad keeps pestering me i dunno what to do. He won't leave me alone.

    1. flameboard


      Tell him to bugger off your not interested.

    2. Lee249


      I used a few choice words lol. I basically said if he didn't leave me alone i'll make a move on his hottie BF hehe :P

  5. A lad approached me and said 'hi, you like glazed or creme filled' what the hell does that mean? Am confused.

    1. Lee249


      Hmm, dunno it happened in me friends living room when he popped out quick. Do you think he gave me the come on?

    2. manniberlin


      glazed is for TOP and cremefilled for BOTTOM... no doubt

  6. A lad came on a bit strong i need to be careful by protecting myself. The same goes for all you guys out there be careful who you trust! Message me with any problems.

    1. CaptainPanther


      you alright mate? no hassel was there?

  7. A little personal achievement was made by me today. I channeled my mind over the needle and refused to faint and i conquered that reaction. Never went down *sighs of relief* sorry guys, it was a major fear i'd confronted and beat ha x

    1. Lee249


      It took like several tests tho but this time i won. Woooos!

    2. FL386fun


      Congrats, Lee! You're not the only one who faced the fear and beat it. :D

  8. A thread pulled my heart strings because i know what he's going through.

  9. Accidentally burnt my hand whilst ironing a shirt..... Owww

    1. Rekhel


      Haha ! Poor you :P

      No ironing = no burning

    2. manniberlin


      oh, u can iron..... can u cook also...then marry me please

  10. Actually, i suppose it depends on your definition of sagging. To me sagging is not always about having your ass hanging out (no offense) Your pants low enough to show underwear of some kind is still sagging in my opinion. Both Niall and Harry esp Harry sags real low in most of his shots. I mean i've seen dozens of him sagging like that (skinny jeans/belt/below waistline) if that's not sagging, i dunno what is? Awesome albums flameboard :-)

  11. Added a load of pics to site gallieries. I'm sure these will amuse you all lol.

  12. Added some new pics in the galleries and a brand new link. I will be posting another poll soon. Keep rocking!

  13. After 3 months of waiting patiently the hospital referral day has arrived it's tomorrow @ 9am. Wish me luck guys coz i'm feeling a bit nervous.

    1. Lee249


      That means a lot to me :) Thank you dude!

  14. After days of misgivings and relapses i've atlast kicked the bad habbit. Doing it without intervention can't be asked with quit smoking methods despite acknowledging their usefulness. Just gotta learn to resist the 'urge' whenever i'm feelin stressed or someone sparks up lol

    1. Sagonmyface


      Good Job! I dipped for a little bit when I played baseball. Wisely I quit before my teeth turned yellow, or worse.

    2. Lee249


      Thanks guys :) Two days and still going strong haha

    3. Show next comments  27 more
  15. After much deliberation (and indecision) i've decided to use the early 02 upgrade and order the iPhone 5c model. I'm impressed with the spec, but the display itself looks even more simple than mine :P

  16. Ain't seen you in chat for a while. Hope it's all good bud :)

    1. saggerlover893


      Hey. Thanks for checking :) I've just been busy the last couple days with some uni work that was due.

  17. Album 'Take the lead' by Torment stole my heart.

  18. Album approved mate. Amazing trackies sag :) shame you didn't take more!

    1. saggingcool


      Thanks dude maybe i will

  19. Album here - http://www.saggerworld.com/gallery/album/5183-ae-breakfast-sags/ me and this phone have got an interesting journey ahead lol

  20. Album posted and waiting for approval :)

  21. All hands this is the captain. Ready your stations, seal all emergency bulkheads & prepare to engage the enemy. Stand by for my orders lol

  22. All the guys i had the option of were idiots. Except, this one fella and i kept checking him out. My 'gaydar' gives me all sorts bur this guy had it going on! I spoke to him and he was lovely wish i has taken a pic now.

    1. Lee249


      We spoke. I was like HELLO. He was a lil older tho so i dunno. I think he's straight but what worries me is the fact i like him & it'll end in tears :(

    2. Lee249


      Been there too often *cries*

  23. Almost got knocked down by a feckless woman driver. GRRs!

  24. Almost persuaded a cute straight lad to have sex with me until his mrs walked in.

  25. Almost September! This year seems to have flown. Cannot wait for Flameboard's 2015 calendar announcement :P

    1. flameboard


      HAHAHAHAHAHA how did you know thats coming soon rofl!

    2. Lee249


      I'm a telepath LOL :D

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