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Status Replies posted by Lee249

  1. Happy birthday to me 🎂🎉🎁🎈 posted a brand new album fellas! Check it out soon x 

  2. I love your interest section son and what a beautiful man you are

  3. Morning fellow saggers just about wrapping up my work week it's Friday woo hoo I'm a baker I make doughnuts and bagels and breads and pastries I figured I'd share these pics now go out and buy a doughnut lol



  4. Worked six days straight I am knackered! Roll on Tuesday (pics for you) 

  5. Sup fellow sexy saggers what a hella long night at work and thanks to anyone who chose to follow me you acquired a loyal sagger bro 4 life I decided to sag last night at work then I saw this fellow worker at the deli dept and he was sagging half ass that made me smile all night I got his number hoping we can go sag together 😉🙂

  6. Howdy well I'm buzzed and getting ready to nap I did have the pleasure of hanging with my sagger bro and watch him sag while he worked on his 4x4 truck I was boned up the whole time he's the hottest sagger in my bro group hope everyone had a good day I'm gonna pass out sleep and go to work in da early morning people gotta have their doughnuts peace out 

  7. i saw a really hot sagger today in the bank was wearing black bbs and holister jeans no belt


  8. Hey guys busy week but some Damm good pics being posted by some hott asf saggers great pic taking bros you guys rock 🤘🤘🤘

  9. Sometimes, I feel lost in my own mind whilst trapped in this ugly body staring back at me in the mirror. 

  10. Andrew, hope you're well & continuing with your unique baking talent. Such an inspiration in the kitchen! Had to say dude x 



  11. Just had to say hi to a total ultra hot sagger hehe hey how are you I hope well my friend I'm resting gotta work tonight hope to chat soon bro miss u already

  12. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a year since I joined SW!! At first, I thought I wasn’t gonna enjoy it, but it kinda did turn out well… saw some good pictures, great jokes with some friends here, and even chatted with some great friends! I appreciate seeing some of you from the forums!

    I’ll figure out what pics to post for a year anniversary of this site… but bare with me, I’m not always home alone, but on rare occasions, my mom will be out taking care of someone while my dad’s still working downstairs from home. So it may be a delay, but try my best. Cheers! 🎉👍😉

  13. Thank you for another amazing chat I get so warm inside when I hear your voice a true sagger at heart and a bro who takes his sagging seriously and that is just ultra sexy hands down I can't wait to chat again thanks boo 

  14. Just wanted to say hey and I miss you lee my bro wish I was with you so we could just talk away we will chat soon my darling hey also some awesome pics that have been posted always quality sagging by quality saggers I wanna personally say thanks for sharing 

  15. Just wanted to say hey and I miss you lee my bro wish I was with you so we could just talk away we will chat soon my darling hey also some awesome pics that have been posted always quality sagging by quality saggers I wanna personally say thanks for sharing 

  16. Just wanted to say hey and I miss you lee my bro wish I was with you so we could just talk away we will chat soon my darling hey also some awesome pics that have been posted always quality sagging by quality saggers I wanna personally say thanks for sharing 

  17. Fun fact: Tyne Daly played a prostitute in Columbo not long after Cagney & Lacy. Flipped through the channels.

  18. Just wanted to say hey and I miss you lee my bro wish I was with you so we could just talk away we will chat soon my darling hey also some awesome pics that have been posted always quality sagging by quality saggers I wanna personally say thanks for sharing 

  19. Few days off. Those CK briefs might be an idea. Who's with me? 😋 X

  20. Think i'll snap a few pics today 😉 x

  21. Not able to get hold of you sweetie hope you're ok x 

  22. Currently at Gatwick airport waiting to pick up by friend. I’m sagging below ass in plain sight and I swear I’m being stared down by another sagger. I can’t see any of his boxers but his trackies are definitely low!

  23. Saw an amazing sagger earlier while driving through town, had a great view while sat at the traffic lights. An hour later and my heart is still thumping from the excitement!

  24. Saw an amazing sagger earlier while driving through town, had a great view while sat at the traffic lights. An hour later and my heart is still thumping from the excitement!

  25. Currently at Gatwick airport waiting to pick up by friend. I’m sagging below ass in plain sight and I swear I’m being stared down by another sagger. I can’t see any of his boxers but his trackies are definitely low!

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