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Status Updates posted by flameboard

  1. Hurry up with the next album :P Even if you are taking them at MY house hehe :P

  2. Welcome to my world haha! xx

  3. Well i wonder who this is lol! xx

  4. Salut!! Hey!

    Well WOW what a great album!! So good! Couldnt really get a better first album mr!! Excellent!

  5. wicked new album mate! love it!!! perfect in fact :D

  6. them boxers when i was in that store where from Next

  7. Awww well wish we had some snow! Its been mildish here actually! Only thing we had is rain and VERY heavy winds!!

  8. Good good! Im good thanks!

    Oh brilliant! Congrats mate! So much freedom now isnt there when you have a car!

    Well dont stay away from here for too long mr! Miss them green boxers :P

  9. Hej!

    Im good thanks! Pleased you are ok!

    It has been a while! Too long lol! Cant wait to see some more!

    I will be posting some yes, as soon as i move into my new house monday, when im back i will upload some :D


  10. thanks for ure photo comments mr!

  11. Hey! Hows u then?

    And ummm, anything really would be great, maybe some in jeans ? with a nice belt :D

  12. HAHA awww dont be mr! Im sorry!!

    Oh no im sorry mate!! Hate to hear things like that!! Well keep ure chin up ok! Lots of guys out there!!!

    I have been ok thanks, moving in to my own house with the bf next week, well monday infact so thats a stress and a half!!! HAHA oiii im not mr popular! Well i dont mean to be haha!

    HAHA well yes i do mr, but still :P Got to let everyone else see ure sexy self havent u :P Not just me lol!!

    Ooooo cool, what sort of boxers?? Think you should deffo do that! I would look forward to them!

    Ummm where would u class as nice? France? Jamaica? St.Lucia? America, well if so all of them lol! x

  13. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Think its time that u upload some more pics mr :P

  14. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Hope you got some more pics coming soon too! The december ones were wicked!!

  15. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Hope to see some more pics soon!!

  16. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Whens ure next pics coming then mr?? Sure u must have some lol

  17. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D

  18. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D

  19. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D

  20. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Hope you got some more sexy pics coming soon mr :P

  21. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D I know u only uploaded a week ago :P But think its time for some more sexy pics :P haha

  22. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Hope you got more pics coming soon!!!

  23. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D Hope you got some new pics coming soon :P

  24. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D You got any more pics coming up soon then mr?

  25. Hey mate!! Been a while since i said hello lol! So "Hello" :P How are ya? Hope all is ok :D

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